What is "reduction" theory? What's the Big Plan for America? The world?

Spiritual Awakening Empowered Living show

Summary: We hear a lot about sustainability and population reduction today.. but what does it mean? What is the BIG PLAN going on in our world today? Is American on the way to being a third world country like many nations before her? What about bank bail outs? Power of health care to the health care industry? How do these things affect you? What do the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have to do with democracy? Anything at all or just a power grab by Big Daddy Bucks? What about tent cities in America? People homeless? Going hungry? Is this what we want for America? What is going on? What can we do about it? Is the Tea Party helping or hurting Americans? Join me on the air and in the chat room... special time to talk politics.. now in the evening.. Find out about my classes, spiritual coaching and energy healing Visit my website today to heal your life.