Politics and Amercians Unemployment Homeless Bp

Spiritual Awakening Empowered Living show

Summary: What's going on in America? What's going on with Americans? What's up with all the anger, the fear, the apathy towards others? Let's talk about the BP cap and how to get up all that oil. Do we need to keep drilling or is it time to try another fuel source for America? Why aren't we already on the path to cleaner fuel? Is the technology there or are we behind the times and other nations beating us to the finish line? What about jobs? How do we rebuild the job market in America? Politics is about PEOPLE... that's what we've got to wrap our heads around. Join me in the chat or live on the air to discuss American and global politics, policies that affect you. Discover HOW to BE Happy Awakened Empowerment These Ebooks will help YOU CHANGE your Thinking and change your life!.