SCCM Pod-58 CC: Cardiology Pharmacotherapies

iCritical Care: All Audio show

Summary: William Dager, PharmD, and John S. MacGregor, MD, PhD, discuss an article in the December 2006 issue of Critical Connections, titled "Recent Advances in Cardiology Pharmacotherapies for the ICU Clinician." The article was written by Joseph Dasta, PharmD, from The Ohio State University, and Jaclyn LeBlanc, PharmD, BCPS, from The University of Oklahoma. Dr. Dager is a pharmacist specialist at UC Davis Medical Center and a clinical professor of pharmacy at UC San Francisco School of Pharmacy. Dr. MacGregor is a professor of medicine in the division of cardiology at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center and is director of the cardiac catheterization laboratory at San Francisco General Hospital.