The Third Dalai Lama's Refined Gold & Shantideva's Guide; 8th-March-2007 (Day 5 of 9; Morning) - Dalai Lama Audio Teachings on Tibetan Buddhism Podcast

Dalai Lama Audio Teachings on Tibetan Buddhism Podcast show

Summary: The essence of Buddhist practice is to pacify and tame the mind. There are many remedies and antidotes to specific disturbing emotions, but what we really need is a realisation of the wisdom that counters the subtle misconception of self. This needs to be supported by a sense of renunciation and the awakening mind of bodhichitta. When it comes to anger, it is better to put a stop to it before it becomes fully blown. On the other hand not giving in to anger does not mean that we need to let ourselves be meekly walked over. Patience is the most powerful remedy to anger. Paradoxically we can only really develop it in the face of others’ hostility or aggression, which is why we should acknowledge the kindness of enemies. To the challenge that we need not appreciate this because the enemy has no intention to benefit us, Shantideva responds that the Dharma has no intention to help us either, and yet it does, and we revere it accordingly. His Holiness points out that chapters 6 & 8 of the Guide, Patience and Meditation present the essential practice of Bodhisattvas.