Episode 17: Paleo 101

The Paleo View show

Summary: h1 style="text-align: center;"Our seventeenth show! Ep. 17: Paleo 101/h1 In this episode, we hope to provide an overview of the paleo diet and help you navigate why the "rules" are the way they are. Why is it that we avoid grains? Beans? Sugar? What is inflammation and why are we trying so hard to avoid it? We hope we can take you by the hand and lead you through the reasoning. After this show, we hope you will be on a happy, healthy path for your life! h1strong /strongThe Paleo View (TPV), Episode 17: Paleo 101/h1 ul style="text-align: left;" li0:00 - Introduction/li li1:07 - News and Views ul liStacy sprained/broke her clavicle after getting knocked over by a chair going up for a handstand. She has been positing her crazy yoga stunts on a href="http://www.instagram.com/paleoparents"Instagram/a/li liStacy attributes her bone health t0 fermented cod liver oil from a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004QC7H9A/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8amp;camp=1789amp;creative=390957amp;creativeASIN=B004QC7H9Aamp;linkCode=as2amp;tag=thpavi-20"Green Pastures/a/li liRobb Wolf's 30 day challenge is described in the a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0982565844/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8amp;camp=1789amp;creative=390957amp;creativeASIN=0982565844amp;linkCode=as2amp;tag=thpavi-20"Paleo Solution/a/li lia title="About Stacy" href="http://paleoparents.com/our-before-after-story/about-stacy/"Stacy's story/a/li lia href="http://www.thepaleomom.com/2012/06/my-120-pound-journey-to-paleo.html"Sarah's story/a/li liThe contest on a title="Enter to Join Us on an Upcoming Episode of The Paleo View!" href="http://paleoparents.com/2012/enter-to-join-the-paleo-view/"Paleo Parents/a and on a href="http://www.thepaleomom.com/2012/12/announcing-the-first-listener-joined-episode-of-the-paleo-view.html"The Paleo Mom/a/li /ul /li li13:31 - Science with Sarah: What is the theory behind the paleo diet? ul lia href="http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/Inflammation-and-Heart-Disease_UCM_432150_Article.jsp"Inflammation and heart disease/a by the American Heart Association/li liPaper on the a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1994795/"link between cancer and inflammation/a/li liWeight loss and paleo was covered on a title="TPV Podcast, Episode 6: Weight Loss With Paleo" href="http://paleoparents.com/featured/tpv-podcast-episode-6-weight-loss-with-paleo/"episode 6/a and a title="TPV Podcast, Episode 9: Weight Loss with Paleo Part 2" href="http://paleoparents.com/featured/tpv-podcast-episode-9-weight-loss-with-paleo-part-2/"episode 9/a of the Paleo View/li liStacy and Sarah have autoimmune diseases and so have limited their diets further. This is detailed in a title="TPV Podcast, Episode 2: The Autoimmune Protocol" href="http://paleoparents.com/featured/tpv-ep-2-the-autoimmune-protocol/"episode 2/a/li /ul /li li21:21 - The Whys ul li21:51 - Why no grains? ul liCheck out Sarah'sa title="How Do Grains, Legumes and Dairy Cause a Leaky Gut?  Part 1: Lectins" href="http://paleoparents.com/featured/how-do-grains-legumes-and-dairy-cause-a-leaky-gut-part-1-lectins/" post on lectins/a/li lia href="www.balancedbites.com/PDFs/BalancedBites_Gluten.pdf"Be a Gluten Detective/a