113 - Hurty Choppy and Oopsie Droppy

3 Count Radio: Wrestling & Shenanigans show

Summary: 11/21/12 - This Week on 3CR, the gang discusses the debut of the NXT 3 (Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns) ... Punk being WWE Champion for a consecutive 365 days, and the prospect of another Wade Barrett Intercontinental title run, but not in that order (Right Ryanne?) We  argue whether or not the Rock winning the WWE championship at the Royal Rumble is a good or bad thing. All of this plus we shine the spotlight on Randy Orton, predict matches for TLC, and read your listener e-mail on this week's 3 Count Radio! www.3countradio.com / 3CountRadio@gmail.com / Twitter: @3CountRadio / 443-CMPUNK-1 Make sure after you're done listening to the show to go on twitter an vote for either #TeamMike3CR or #TeamRyanne3C