28 Months Old / 34 Weeks Pregnant: Breech Position

Baby Time: 3rd Trimester show

Summary: Listen to Baby Time: 28 Months Old / 34 Weeks Pregnant Kerry is 34 Weeks Pregnant and by the looks of things, Max will be a big baby just like big brother Jack! However, Max is also still in the breech position in his mommy's tummy - is he going to cooperate and move soon? Also, Jack is 28 Months Old and enjoying his new playroom. What other projects will Kerry and Dan have to complete before Max arrives? Finally, Baby Time welcomes AudibleKids.com as a new sponsor this week on Baby Time! Join us on Facebook! Check out the Baby Time group now at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=5611319033. If you'd like to say hello or make a suggestion, contact us at hello@babytimeshow.com.