A Public Blessing

Parenting Today’s Teens show

Summary: (Click title to listen)PODCAST SCRIPT: My friend, Dr. John Trent, has devoted his life to helping moms and dads bless their children. You may hear the word “bless” and wonder what the point is.  “After all,” you might say, “my kids know I love ‘em.”  I don’t doubt that deep down they know you’re on their side.  But, along with John Trent… I agree that speaking your love to them is a big deal. In fact, I’d like to challenge you to take a step further.  Write down what you appreciate about your kids, the gifts you see in them, and how you love them… then read it out loud at a family event!  That’ll certainly get you out of your comfort zone!  But… it’ll leave a lasting impression on your kids. Don’t think about your love.  Say it. ©2013 Mark Gregston www.parentingtodaysteens.org. Email: markgregston@heartlightministries.org. Phone: 1-866-700-3264Also, listen via iTunes here.