Episode 32 | Professional Services for your Business Part 1

Startups For the Rest of Us show

Summary: Show Notes Moraware Software PayPal Authorize.net 2Checkout.com Feefighters.com Travelers Insurance Lloyds of London Transcript [00:00] Mike: This is Startups for the Rest of Us: Episode 32. [00:12] Mike: Welcome to Startups for the Rest of Us, the podcast that helps developers be awesome at launching software products, whether you’ve built your first product, or are just thinking about it. I’m Mike. [00:19] Rob: And I’m Rob. [00:20] Mike: And we’re here to share our experiences to help you avoid the same mistakes we’ve made. How you doing this week, Rob? [00:25] Rob: Doing pretty well. I’m looking forward to the Thanksgiving holiday next week. I’m going out of town for a week, so gearing down for that. Getting ready to go into holiday mode. [00:34] Sales always are treacherous in some of my businesses during November and December, just because people are off a lot. So certainly no sales the week of Christmas, and often lower sales levels in Thanksgiving. [00:46] Mike: So you just decide the heck with it, and throw in the towel? [laughs] [00:49] Rob: Cash it in. Yeah I’m going to be out of town for a month. [laughs] I’ll see you in January. [00:52] Mike: Very nice. [00:53] Rob: How about you? What’s going on? Anything new? [00:55] Mike: Well, I have a couple of things. I’m still working on that database that I talked about in our last podcast. I’ve come to the realization that I think I actually need a third database, not just two. I think I need three now. And all three of them need to be a little bit different because of the information that I’m storing. [01:09] [music] [01:13] Mike: For today’s episode, we actually have a guest on today, our first guest ever. So today we have Harry Hollander from Moraware Software on here. How are you doing, Harry? [01:21] Harry: Doing pretty well. How about you? [01:23] Mike: Not too bad. Well, Rob and I already introduced what we’re up to. What about you? What are you up to? [01:27] Harry: Just working hard. Still full of great ideas from that Business of Software Conference, and we’re trying to do all kinds of new products and new ways of dealing with the existing customers that we have. [01:37] Mike: Very cool. [01:38] Rob: To give people some background, I met Harry at the 2009 Business of Software Conference. Then he and I emailed and just had some chats over the course of the past year. Then Mike met him this year, and Harry and I caught up over the past year. I met his business partner and everything. [01:55] So we really wanted to bring Harry on, because he actually had some ideas for a topic as well as certainly some good input that I think will be beneficial to everybody. [02:03] Harry: Well, I was hoping I could just ask you guys the question, and then you’d come up with all the answers. [02:07] Rob: I was going to leave that part out. Yeah to really give you the detail, Harry emailed me and said, “Hey would you guys be interested in discussing this on the podcast. We’ve just gone through all this stuff, and I think it might be beneficial.” So I told Mike. I said, “Hey psst, free content. Harry could come on and share all his info,” because he’s done all this stuff. [02:24] It’s going to be more of a typical discussion, and Harry’s just another participant. [02:28] [music] [02:32] Mike: So for today’s episode, we’re going to talk about some of the professional services that you may need for your business. [02:37] We expect that this podcast is probably going to go long. So we’re going to edit it, probably about halfway through. We’ll post it as two different podcast episodes. We’ll make sure that we try and cover everything that we possibly can. [02:48] [music] [02:51] Mike: So the first professional service that we wanted to talk about is getting an attorney. One of the most common startup questions that people have is, “Do I need an attorney up front?” And second is, “Where would I find one?” [03:02] My feeling on it is,[...]