Episode 34 | Answers to Your Questions

Startups For the Rest of Us show

Summary: Show Notes No show notes this episode. Transcript [00:00] Mike: This is Startups for the Rest of Us: Episode 34. [00:03] [music] [00:12] Mike: Welcome to Startups for the Rest of Us, the podcast that helps developers be awesome at launching software products, whether you’ve built your first product or are just thinking about it.  I’m Mike. [00:19] Rob: And I’m Rob. [00:20] Mike: And we’re here to share our experiences to help you avoid the same mistakes we’ve made.  How you doing this week, Rob? [00:25] Rob: I’m doing good.  I’m just coming back from about 10 days off.  It was Thanksgiving last week, so that will give everyone an indication of how far in advance we recorded this episode.  But took a long break, went to San Francisco with the family. [00:38] I was really pleased with how things turned out work-wise, because I basically just left.  I barely checked email.  I only brought the iPad.  A few times during the week I popped on just for kicks.  I did a lot of reading on the iPad, read some blogs and stuff purely for fun.  But I spent maybe two hours total on email over the course and really no major repercussions.  So I was excited about that.  I’m always glad to get back and… [01:04] Like I said, I kept on eye on if anything were to explode while I was gone.  But to really get back and have a little bit of work this morning…I mean I did have 150 unanswered emails.  Aside from that, it feels good.  How about you?  What’s new? [01:18] Mike: I took the family to Disneyworld for vacation last week during Thanksgiving.  I had the pleasure, instead of a Thanksgiving dinner, we had Domino’s pizza.  [laughs] [01:26] Rob: That is awesome!  How did you possibly convince your wife to do that? [01:30] Mike: You know, it really wasn’t that difficult, because when we down there…we have a timeshare, and the way things ended up working out, we ended up staying at three different places.  And on the day after Thanksgiving we were going to have to move to a different place and go to a hotel for just one night so that we could catch our flight out on Saturday morning.  And because of that, we really didn’t have any way to store leftovers or anything like that, or any time to get rid of them.  So instead of trying to do something or trying to figure out after we got down there how we were going to arrange for a turkey dinner or something like that, we just said the heck with it and we went to Disneyworld instead. [02:08] I’m pretty sure it was Magic Kingdom that day.  And it was actually not nearly that busy as I would have expected.  But the day after we went to the Wild Kingdom, which is their animal themed park, and that was even less busy.  There was virtually nobody there, as compared to earlier in the week on the Friday after Thanksgiving.  So it was pretty cool. [02:29] Rob: I have an update on something I talked about in a couple of the earlier episodes, and it’s the audio version of my book “Start Small, Stay Small”.  I finished recording it and it’s all edited, and it’s actually been up for sale now for about two weeks.  I had emailed everyone who purchased the paperback or the PDF version and gave them a deal on it, basically. [02:53] So if you’re listening to this and you didn’t get that email, certainly let me know.  So now I’m offering package deals.  If you get the PDF you get the audio book for another 10 bucks and blah, blah, blah.  But it’s had a really good reception and I’m very pleased that I did it.  All told, it took somewhere between seven and eight hours of my time to read it. [03:15] And I could have hired out the voice talent, but I just did not want to do that.  I really wanted it to be my voice, and I felt like I could do it more justice than anyone.  It’d be kind of like outsourcing my blog; these are just some things that I really want to have my voice to them. [03:29] So it took a lot less time than I thought.  I had estimated 12 hours of reading time.  And then sent it to an editor and it was all [...]