82: Adele Hite, MPH, on 2010 Dietary Guidelines Independent Scientific Review Panel

The Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast Feed show

Summary: I wish you a Healthy, Happy, and Prosperous New Year. I am very happy to have Ms. Adele Hite back to join me on today’s episode of the Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast as my featured guest. She and I will discuss what was going on behind the doors of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC), whose members decided what the American people should eat for good health. Ms. Hite, joined by Ms. Pam Schoenfeld, came to this podcast, “19: Pam Schoenfeld and Adele Hite: The 2010 USDA Food Pyramid Proposal Is Wrong” on October 20, 2010, to discuss why the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans is counter to science and harmful to Americans’ health. Despite the fact that Ms. Hite and several concerned physicians, scientists, nutritionists and citizens voiced their objections to the guidelines, the US Department of Agriculture and Department of Health and Human Services went ahead to implement these dangerous public policies. To help explain what has been going on behind the closed doors of the DGAC, Ms. Hite has collected a volume of information that illustrates why both the USDA and HHS have been so adamant in enacting these poor health policies. When you and I hear what Ms. Hite will share with us, I am convinced that we will all wish to take charge in keeping ourselves healthy! Let us tune into this interesting and serious interview. Ms. Hite’s link: The Healthy Nation Coalition