Why Church Media is Really Important For Your Church Growth

How Church Media Works » Video Blog show

Summary: http://youtu.be/MPgVL0W-Sds Download Video: Here Importance of Church Media In this article, we want to talk to you about church media and how we can use it to outreach and how we can use it to better our church. You know, I'm often reminded that this is big sea of internet. You know, we wonder why even put our messages online and the whole goal of our ministry at HowChurchMediaWorks is to get more people looking at your message. When we say "more", how many percent do we mean? Well for some of your churches, you know it could be a 25% increase but remember that percentage wise, getting more means you're reaching more people for Christ and our main goal is that 100% of America and 100% of the world would be reached for Christ. Now we can't go out there and do that necessarily but what we can do is encourage churches like you to come along and start streaming your messages. If we encourage let's say a 10o churches to start doing this and they impact 10 people per church, we're talking about a thousand people impacted of the name of Christ and for the cause of Christ. That's our goal today. We just want to talk about that and how could that happen if you decided to get into church media with your church and stuff.   How The World Wide Web Works With that being said, the first aspect that needs to be understood is the randomness of the internet. Well let me tell you that the internet is not that all random because Google controls it. With my experience in this area, you should know that you used to be able to manipulate Google rankings but Google kind of shut that down since April of 2012. There are ways to manipulate those rankings still but it's not as easy as it used to be. So there is randomness because somebody besides you is deciding who sees your content. So just to kind of clarify what I'm talking about, if you put out a video, the first question you're gonna ask is who's gonna see it and the answer that we have is we don't know. But that's the great thing about it because if you remember, God honors that in scripture. I don't know if this is popular or not but it seems like through all scripture, anytime we put something to random, to chance and I'm not talking about gambling, I'm talking about the work of the Lord. For example, when they picked the apostles, they put it to chance if you remember that. God honors that and pick the apostles through that. Speaking From Experience Let me share what happened to our church website, in the past two months we had our church website blow up. Meaning a number of people that it's bigger than the amount of people that go to our church on a regular basis in our Sunday morning service were driven to our church website. How's that possible? and what's that mean to us? Well that means we got more people than that walked through our doors in our community. Of course we don't see names or anything who walked into our website but we can see that beyond the reach of the lawns of our church, we were reaching people with our message. We did a special month and we used that month to drive traffic to our website. We had people handing out wristbands wit our church's website on it and driving them to our website o they can see what's going on that month and see the special videos that we were putting up. Not only did it drive them to our website to see those special videos but now they get to find more about our church, our church staff, they get to see my pastor's sermons online, There's a sermon tab that they could click and begin to listen to sermons if they missed the service or if they haven't been to a service. We just brought in a lot of people that haven't ever stepped on the doors of our church possibly into knowing possibly and finding about Christ in a new way so church media is a BIG thing. It is a very productive and meaningful thing and something's that worth putting in your time into.   To your education, Chad And Sean