Mosaic News - 11/21/12: World News From The Middle East [VIDEO]

Mosaic: World News From The Middle East show

Summary: <p>Israel and Hamas agree to ceasefire as the occupation maintains its siege on Gaza, Amnesty International slams Bahraini regime for shelving reform and unleashing repression, dozens of Egyptians injured as Mohamed Mahmoud Street clashes continue, and more.</p><br><br>Israel and Hamas agree to ceasefire as the occupation maintains siege on Gaza<br>New TV, Lebanon<br><br>Media watchdog condemns Israel's targeting of journalists<br>Al Jazeera, Qatar<br><br>Two Israelis killed in Eshkol mortar attacks<br>IBA, Israel<br><br>Western media is 'losing track of what is happening' by focusing on Gaza casualties: Pazner<br>IBA, Israel<br><br>Violent protests erupt in West Bank over Gaza conflict<br>Press TV, Iran<br><br>Amnesty International slams Bahraini regime for shelving reform and unleashing repression<br>BBC Arabic, UK<br><br>Dozens of Egyptians injured as Mohamed Mahmoud Street clashes continue<br>Nile TV, Egypt<br><br>NATO mulls Turkey's request for Patriot missiles along Syrian border<br>Jordan TV, Jordan<br><br>Iraq defends army deployment in disputed Kurdistan region as 'constitutional'<br>Al-Iraqiya TV, Iraq<br><br>