“We” can make business happen – MBHP003 (Podcast)

Making Business Happen Podcast - Whiteboard Business Partners show

Summary: Making business happen requires all of us working together. My guest on Session 3 of the Making Business Happen podcast is Kevin Kruse. Kevin is the founder of the Kruse Group and a leading expert on workplace productivity and employee relations. Kevin is the co-author of the best-selling book "We" with Rudy Karsan of Kenexa (affiliate link). Kevin and I cover the following questions in this interview. Employee questions Why don’t more people take responsibility for their own careers as a CEO takes responsibility for a company? How does a career advisory board impact one’s outlook on a career? I took the Archetype test, and I’m a Revolutionary. However, I work in a job and company where my personality isn’t the greatest fit. What is one tip you can give me to apply my archetype to my current position to boost performance? What advice would you give me in terms of long-term career growth? What other advice would you give people who recognize they don’t have a good fit on their Archetype? Why are “slash” careers (see my blog post on this topic) becoming so popular today? Discuss the importance of a brand for both an employee and a self-employed individual. What is the most important factor in a good personal brand? Employer questions Has anyone called you or Rudy to ask about culture like you outlined in your book? What is more important - engagement or alignment, and why? You talk about how “complainers” can be a force for good in a company. How can companies harness the power of complainers? What should employers do to ensure a potential hire fits its organization during the interview process? You talk a lot about how employers need to show their employees the results of their work. What is one thing a supervisor or manager could do right now to demonstrate that to their employees? In your opinion, which of the three pillars should GReAT managers start doing first - Growth, Recognition, or Trust? How can a good employer work on helping employees take more responsibility for their careers? What examples (both good and bad) are you currently seeing?