Alyson Bridge: Gluten-Free Desserts, Weight Training for Women, and How to Eat Well on the Road

The Fat-Burning Man Show by Abel James. Paleo Nutrition, Ancestral Health, and Primal Fitness show

Summary: Today is a very special show with real life gluten-free success story, Alyson Bridge, an amazing cook and author of the just-released 50 Wholesome Gluten-Free Desserts. You listeners have asked for special episodes with real folks who have experienced results in fat loss and health improvement. After the overwhelming positive feedback when I had my mom, Angie Bascom, on the show, I decided you folks might enjoy listening to the lady behind the Fat-Burning Man. Alyson is my girlfriend and proud co-pilot of the camper van. As you may know, we uprooted ourselves 4 months ago to adventure around the country with our dog Bailey (of Paleo Puppy fame). We've been home for 3 days - whew! It was a wild ride. Even though we were preparing meals in a van, other peoples' houses, or, often, while barreling down the highway at 60 miles an hour, we ate extremely well. We visited local organic farms (including my brother's farm in New Hampshire) and natural grocery stores along our travels, gathering fresh fruits and veggies and delicious pastured meats. We picked wild blueberries, huckleberries, and cranberries in New Hampshire, traveled to Maine to eat the lobsters straight from the sea, savored grass-fed beef and wild boar in Colorado, and ate fresh organic grapefruit from the orchard in Arizona. While at my parent's place in New Hampshire (thanks mom and dad), Alyson and I commandeered the kitchen and whipped up over 35 desserts in order to snap pictures for our new cookbook: 50 Wholesome Gluten-Free Desserts. We JUST RELEASED the eBook, so be sure to grab a copy for HALF OFF for the next week - just in time for the holidays! So, I have a confession to make. I eat a ton of desserts. Desserts that would make any fat-fearing nutritionist wag her finger in my face. And it’s all Alyson’s fault. But somehow – despite savoring flaky pies, donuts fried in bacon fat, gooey cookies, and “worse” – Alyson and I have never looked or felt better. What’s our secret? We eat real food. We stay away from gluten, additives, chemicals, and other nonsense. We stick to quality ingredients and make almost everything from scratch. Ginger snaps made with ginger. Cupcakes made with beets. Muffins made with sweet potatoes! Cobbler made of green vegetables! Woah! There’s food in there! Alyson is a talented lady, and I’ve been honored to taste just about every single one of these desserts. Usually more than once. That’s a lot of dessert, you may say! Well, I’d highly recommend you try them all, too. So what are my favorites? I’m glad you asked. The apple cider donuts, rum balls, pumpkin pie, and cheesecake are all tied for the #1 dessert of all time. And the raw milk ice cream, dark chocolate coconut truffles, cupcakes covered in cookie dough… I have to stop here. All this writing about Alyson’s delicious desserts is making me salivate. But remember: indulgence is good for the body and the soul. Taking pleasure in what you eat is essential. And cookies soothe the savage beast. Check out the 50 Wholesome Gluten-Free Desserts eBook below. Happy cooking! In today’s show, Alyson and I discuss: How she went from exercising hours a day to minutes a week - and lost fat! How she cured flaky skin, cleared acne, lost weight, healed stretch marks, and stopped getting cavities by going gluten-free Why you should stop counting calories and start eating lots of fat How to conquer your trigger foods to avoid binging Tips to help you to get started in the kitchen Why xylitol is the bomb Why women shouldn’t be afraid of weights How to eat real food on the road And TONS more! Cool. Onto the show. Listen by pressing the PLAY BUTTON below on the right.(download link) Subscribe to my PODCAST on iTunes (and please leave a review)! (Click the "View in iTunes" link and then hit the "Subscribe" button.")   Click "Like" if You Do!   As a special thanks to podcast listeners,