Episode 31 - Building Community: Jessica Merizan

Game on Girl show

Summary: Very exciting episode this week! We have the honor of talking to <a href="http://crabcatindustries.com/">Jessica Merizan</a>, community manager from <a href="http://www.bioware.com/">BioWare</a>! She's worked on two of our favorite franchises - <a href="http://masseffect.bioware.com/">Mass Effect</a> and <a href="http://dragonage.bioware.com/da2/">Dragon Age</a>! Listen to hear stories about working in the games industry, more stories from <a href="http://www.geekgirlcon.com/">GeekGirlCon</a>, and some great info about a certain BioWare game controversy. WARNING: There are spoilers. Be prepared. :) <br> <br> Until next time, game on! <br> Regina &amp; Rhonda