AMERICA: What Next?

Old Fort Baptist Church show

Summary: Some of you may not be old enough to remember a cultural icon from World War II. Her name…well, listen to this song clip and see if it helps any. (Rosie the Riveter clip) Hello and welcome to Old Fort Baptist Church in Summerville, South Carolina where for decades the Truth of God’s Word has been preached for all to hear. Today, Pastor Eric Lethco takes a break from his discipleship series READY, SET, GO to respond to a strong call to share a message following the presidential election. It’s called AMERICA: What Next? Rosie the Riveter became a household name in 1942. During the Second World War, women had to take a different place in society in factories as assembly line workers doing their part in the American war effort. Pastor Eric will be reading from 1 Peter 2:13-17 in today’s message. In verse thirteen, we find these words. “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men.” Given the election, what do we do now? We will learn to be just like Rosie by taking up the Godly tools we need to pray for, sacrificially support and share our faith with our country. Why? Because this is still ONE NATION UNDER GOD!