One of Swords Podcast 122: Dead End Central

One Of Swords show

Summary: This week, I was able to pull Infinity Ward's Mark Rubin away from the noise and fun of the Modern Warfare 3 Grudge Match so I could grill him about Collection 2's new Face Off mode, why those maps are the way they are, and what to do about boosters. Kat and Hugh join in for the rest of the show to discuss Moonraker, NASCAR, passing gas, Activision's new UK studio, Yellow Submarine, Hugh's bad back, Tony Hawk soundtracks, Men in Black, Silver Surfer on NES, failed napping, and, perhaps inevitably, vasectomies. Get the podcast on iTunes Get the podcast on Zune Marketplace Get the podcast on your own with RSS Feedburner Or use the links below to listen in the browser or download direct. More info after the jump... Special Guest: Mark Rubin, executive producer, Modern Warfare 3, Infinity Ward Co-host: Katrin Auch, photographer, light gun enthusiast, graphic designer, bassist, Jedi Sage, Demon Hunter, and inventor of Headshotmas Co-host: Hugh Sterbakov, author, comic creator, and Emmy-nominated writer/toy wrangler for Robot Chicken Soundtrack: Yameen - available on iTunes, Amazon MP3, and finer online music stores Relevant show links: MW3 Collection 2 and the Grudge Match Sound + Vision talks THPS HD soundtrack Activision's UK mobile studio NASCAR The Game: Inside Line Men In Black: Alien Crisis Kat's upcoming photography art show - buy tickets here! Tron: Uprising Woody's Gamertag Kat and Hugh and Dan on Twitter Dan's book: Critical Path: How to Review Videogames for a Living Hugh's book: City Under the Moon Enter your own question for Hugh Don't Know Jack/Stick It To The Dan Write to the show's Megamailbag