‘Remix My Lit’: Towards an Open-Access Literary Culture

School of English, Communications and Performance Studies, Monash University  show

Summary: The publishing buzzword of recent times has undoubtedly been ‘open access’. But typically this has referred to scientific journal publishing, only recently expanding to include humanities research. This paper goes further in asking what might an open-access literary culture look like? Developments around online publishing, electronic-books, print-on-demand and digital libraries see publishers facing challenges on every side. How might publishers’ traditional role as gatekeepers of literary culture be similarly usurped in an environment characterised by networked books, wiki-novels and fictional ‘rip and burn’ practices? Outlining three exciting recent experiments in open-access literature, Simone Murray’s illustrated talk investigates what the digital future of literature might look like, and what its impact will be on writers, publishers and readers. Dr Simone Murray is Senior Lecturer in Communications and Media Studies at Monash University. Her research examines the interface of the book with other communications media, particularly via digital multiformatting of content. Her current research project focuses on the industrial substructures of book-to-screen adaptations of literary prize-winners, and how such research can combine book history, print culture and media studies perspectives. She is currently engaged in a three-year Australian Research Council Discovery project on the adaptation industry, titled ‘Books as Media: The Cultural Economy of Literary Adaptation’. The monograph arising from this research, The Adaptation Industry: The Cultural Economy of Literary Adaptation, is forthcoming from Routledge US in 2011.