Why You Should Know Connie Ragen Green

Nicole on the Net show

Summary: I just spent an amazing five days with my dear friend, Connie Green. Connie flew into the Pensacola Airport near my home on Thursday night. I picked her up and we headed north (oddly with the speedometer not working) to a mastermind retreat in Northern Alabama held by our mutual friend, David Perdew (of NAMS) and his family including his smart daughter Jenn, at his home. We brainstormed and strategized for 2 days (Friday and Saturday), focusing some time on each of our businesses so we can all grow even more in the coming months. We also had a really nice hike in the woods on David’s beautiful property, got to love on David’s 2 dogs and his cat, watched the Alabama vs. LSU game, and ate delicious food cooked by David’s beautiful bride, Charlsa. Here we are before our hike. Left to right, David, Jenn Perdew, me (looking so funny), Connie. On Sunday, Connie and I left Alabama and headed back to Pensacola, where we spent the night at the Hilton on Pensacola Beach (which was very nice). We relaxed there, and enjoyed some quiet time. Then, Connie spent her last night here at my home. I made her dinner and she slept in my daughter’s comfy bed. Yesterday morning she headed home. Some people come into your life and just make you want to be a better version of yourself. Connie is one of those people to me. I actually started calling her “Connie Gump” because her life story has so many pieces and parts. Here’s how some of her stories started… When I was selling cars… The third time I had cancer… After hurricane Andrew, when my house was destroyed… When I was in Thailand… So, after my husband died… Did I ever tell you I was a gym teacher? When I visit my family in Finland every summer… I told her she’s lived more in her years than anyone I’ve ever known. Well, it got me thinking of how I could possibly give back to Connie enough for all she’s done for me. And, I thought “a blog post is a start”. If you’re not familiar with Connie yet, here’s her bio. About Connie Ragen Green Connie had worked as a classroom teacher, real estate broker, and residential appraiser for 20 years, before deciding to change her life completely. In 2005 she decided to come online full time, and now teaches hundreds of people from around the world how to create their own business based on their passion and life experiences. So basically, I want to share my friend with you. Here’s how you can get to know Connie better. Check out these Recent Blog Posts that Connie Contributed to here: Unique Ways to Make Money Online How you Can Get People to Work for you  – Free How to Schedule your List Marketing Promotions How to Deal with Direct Messages Through Social Media Sites Connie Green & Nicole Dean: Listen to the PLR Interview Repurposing Your Content Listen to the Interview I Did with Connie. I had Connie on my podcast a few years back. You can listen to it here or by subscribing in iTunes. These are the resources that she mentioned during that interview. They will open in a new window and not interfere while you’re listening to the audio. WordPress.org – For content management that you can access from anywhere. EzineArticles.com EasyPLR.com. I didn’t pay her to say that. Promise. Amazon S3 for file storage. Google’s Keyword Tool Clickbank Pro Search Engine – Connie recommends this for finding products in Clickbank. Learn More From Connie. Want More Connie? I know you do! Connie is an amazing Affiliate Marketer. I highly recommend that you go read this sales page to see why. Click HERE to Learn how to add Affiliate Marketing as a Stream of Income in your Business I’ve personally given her four iPads. (She’s won four affiliate contests that I’ve had.) Thanks again for being part of my business and my day. I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Warmly, Nicol[...]