Exploring the Akashic Records, Past Lives and What the Future Holds for You — with Sandy Anastasi and Kala Ambrose (Explore Your Spirit with Kala Metaphysical Talk Show)

Explore Your Spirit with Kala show

Summary: In the spiritual realms where the higher self resides, a record of every thought, action, word and deed is recorded for each soul. Referred to as the Akashic Records, these vibrational energy imprints remain attached to the soul through each lifetime. These imprints shape each soul’s destiny, karma and life purpose. Psychics are able to see these Akashic Records in the manner in which they are attached to each person in their aura and energy fields. The records explain “who you are” and “why you are here” in this lifetime. They define the challenges you are facing, the relationships you engage in and the primary motivations and desires that you are attracted to on the mind, body and spirit levels. 2012 is one of the markers of the evolutionary change we are experiencing as we are moving into the fourth dimension. Instead of living at only one point in time in the third dimension, we are now shifting into the fourth dimension where we can connect with our higher self and experience all points of time, connecting our past, present and future selves into a simultaneous consciousness. We are swiftly moving through this into the fifth dimension where we are creating multiple time lines, in a sense creating a greater number of life experiences within one lifetime. In this shift of conscious awakening and awareness, we are connecting past, present and future lives together and working through all of the karma from previous lives, while understanding how this defines our lives in the present tense. Our ability to process these lifetimes allow us to shift into the new dimensions of being. We are not alone in this process. Our spirit guides have been working with us in one of the most importantly evolutionary shifts in our consciousness on the earth plane. When we can can understand what is occurring to us on a body, mind and spirit level as well as learn how to connect and communicate with our spirit guides, we can accelerate the process in a state of grace and well-being. According to Sandy… This time that we are living in is crucial to both mankind’s evolution and the evolution of the planet we call home – the Earth itself. Sandy’s personal Guided messages and research into the writings of many author’s including Alice Bailey, Jane Roberts, Edgar Cayce, Bruce Lipton, Brian Cox, Ester and Jerry Hicks, and C.W. Leadbeater, to name just a few, has led her to the understanding that multiple root-races have come together NOW on our living planet for the purpose of choosing consciously to move to a new vibratory level. The Earth is awakening to her destiny as a Sacred Planet, and as each of us awakens to our own individual higher potentials we are contributing to the overall shift in consciousness of the Earth and every being that calls her home. Sandy’s paramount message is to accentuate the importance of conscious personal choice as we individually and collectively move forward along our evolutionary path. We are collectively in the process of opening and developing both our own heart chakra, and that of the Earth itself. We are living in an exciting time in which we are helping to bring a New Age and a New Soul Consciousness into being. According to Kala… Over the past decade, what she has been seeing in the auric fields is changing dramatically. She reports that our auras are actually evolving! They are creating new energy bodies around the physical body, connecting in new patterns and forming crystalline structures to enhance our conscious evolution, including our connectivity to each other, the world, and higher planes of existence. These structures are creating powerful crystalline receivers, which allow psychic abilities to be enhanced and provide regenerative energetic force fields to heal energy from within at the cellular level. Kala shares that we are truly evolving into super-powered human beings and it’s happening first in the aura.