Turning Content Into Cash with Tim Conley & James Schramko

Internet Business Blog By James Schramko » Podcast show

Summary: James Schramko talks to Tim Conley from Foolish Adventure  about how you can turn your content into cash even if you are just starting out and with minimal budget.... Tim Conley  Action Steps From This Podcast  listen to the whole podcast before you start start with a business purpose mindset approach find a need you can serve plan to run a webinar with an expert (or you if you are an expert) get access to  a webinar platform like GoToWebinar approach an expert put up a squeeze page on your website start getting registrations create a slide deck with plain slides using a learning structure – why, what, how, what if  include a call to action get a second screen practice your webinar setup an offer page on your website /go run the webinar interact with your expert and answer audience questions record the webinar pitch something on the event edit your recording with a nice front and back. Optional chop it into small parts. upload the webinar recording to your web page using Wistia or vimeo for streaming and Amazon S3 for the download Email your email list about the webinar recording re-purpose your video as audio and transcription Full Transcription James: James Schramko here with internet marketing speed and today's special guest is going to be talking to us about turning content into cash and for this I've gone and found an expert in this topic and his name is Tim Conley from FoolishAdventure.com and it’s a great podcast show I've been listening to it and I was also a guest on that show recently, welcome to the show Tim. Tim: Hey what’s up James! James: Well I’m still travelling at the moment Tim and we’re recording from Paris today and I imagine you're probably in Phoenix? Tim: Yes I’m just on the North side of Phoenix, a little out on the desert. James: Are you sitting in your cupboard today? Tim: Yeah, yes I am in my studio that I’ve converted from my walk-in closet so. James: I think this could be a potential topic for us because I know that when people think about the idea of turning content into cash they probably have visions of a high expense professional studio equipment and certain things that would be barriers for them to be able to do this, I want to ask you, is this something that they should be concerned about? Tim: No, I think that’s the problem with a lot of people when they go in any kind of business, they focus on non-essentials and not on the things that will create a minimum viable business, so if you're going to. If you want to create a podcast don't go out there and buy mixer and buy all these things unless you are an audio engineer don’t do any of that nonsense. James: So keep it nice and simple. Tim: Yes. James: Okay, now Tim, perhaps you could just give us a very brief background as to how this has become your topic of specialty and that would give us the reference point we need and then we can step into some of the steps that people can follow to make this happen for themselves. Tim: Okay, so I got into doing this podcasting thing called the “Foolish Adventure Show” a couple years ago now and a lot of the questions that kept coming to me and it was a lot of these bloggers who blog about blogging and it was really pissing me off because they were giving business advice without ever knowing anything about how to run a business and a lot of it was about not actually making any money. Don’t worry about making money for one to two years with your blog and say “that’s not business”, that may be a hobby but that’s not a business, and so, it was bugging me that people were spending a couple of years of their lives wasting it on just creating loads and loads of content and never making a buck. And that’s, that’s something that it, it just really just bothered me so I figured out that the best way would be to spin that around and turn that content into cash. James: Right,