TKC 222 Chris Brogan

The Kindle Chronicles show

Summary: News - I offer my impressions of the newest eReader in town--the sleek, slim, and incredibly light iPad mini. I bought mine at a very low-key launch at the Apple Store in Cherry Creek Mall, Denver, and my report in the podcast includes a man-in-the-mall interview with a guy who was reading his Kindle Keyboard as he waited in line for a mini. BTW, M-Edge Accessories, our generous partner in E-Books for Troops, has an excellent selection of covers for your iPad mini that offer more protection than Apple's elegant but kind of flimsy Smart Cover. Tech Tips - Bufo Calvin has a creative idea for using FreeTime on the Kindle Fire to set up something like collections for books and other content (scroll down to the update at the end of the post). Or you might try Book Collections, a 2.99-cent app in the Amazon Apps for Android Store. (I think I had the price wrong in the audio.) Also, Jean Remple is happily listening to BBC Radio on his Kindle Fire HD in Paris, thanks to a 99-cent app named Tune In Radio Pro. Highly recommended. Interview (starts at 21:50) - Chris Brogan, CEO of Human Business Works and the co-author of The Impact Equation: Are You Making Things Happen or Just Making Noise?, spoke with me by Skype on October 30th, the day after Hurricane Sandy passed to the south of his home in Newburyport, Mass. He is reading only the following three books in the next 12 months: The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle, Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change by Pema Chodron, and You Are Your Own Gym by Mark Lauren. Inspired by this novel experiment and by the quality of The Impact Equation, I have decided to spend time with this book steadily in the coming year, rereading it and letting its wide-ranging insights and tips sink in. Click here for a list of Chris's other books at Amazon. Other topics mentioned: Greg Pak's Vision Machine and Net Minds. Content - History of a Pleasure Seeker, an iOS app by Richard Mason, who will be my guest for the interview next week.