The Elections in Taiwan

Popup Chinese show

Summary: If your impression of Taiwanese politics has been dominated by the island's recurring stories of vote-buying and parliamentary brawls, you'll probably be shocked to hear what Mary Kay Magistad has to say about her recent trip to cover last week's elections on the island, in which Ma Ying-jeou of the Kuomingtang Party was re-elected to a second term in a surprisingly sedate process. Trying to keep up with what's going on in China? Today Kaiser Kuo and Jeremy Goldkorn are joined by Mary Kay Magistad for a closer look at the political situation in Taiwan as well as a more general discussion about what it implies for the prospects for democratization in other countries where people also happen to speak mandarin. Also up for discussion are the latest trends in Chinese Internet and mobile usage, and of course a special list of holiday recommendations along with our best wishes for the upcoming Spring Festival. So regardless of whether you're off work, join us for our last show in the Year of the Rabbit. We hope you enjoy it. Like Sinica and want more? An easy way to download all of the Sinica shows is to subscribe to our RSS feed via iTunes. To do this, simply open iTunes and pick the option "Subscribe to Podcast" from the Advanced file menu and provide the URL "" when prompted. If you'd just like to download this single episode as a standalone mp3 file and play it manually, you're more than welcome to do that as well.