Network Transfer

Popup Chinese show

Summary: Han Lin grinned at his girlfriend as he gestured towards the office headquarters that rose above the small park where they were eating lunch. China Mobile was one of the more prestigious places for a new engineer to find employment, and Han couldn't help but want to show off his employee privileges. "I'll just send the file over the corporate network then," he smiled as he pocketed the USB drive, adding that "even something this big should only take a few minutes at most." Living in China? No matter what industry you're in, at some point you are going to find yourself in an office environment locked in mortal combat with office equipment. Fortunately, regardless of whether you need to scan documents, backup files to a USB drive or just transfer files across the network, in this lesson we cover the key vocabulary you need to get things done. So take a listen, let us know what you think in the discussion section below, and feel free to email us anytime at