A Glass of Ice Water

Popup Chinese show

Summary: Although he couldn't remember any details of the accident, having been knocked unconscious by the force of the truck's initial impact, Xiao Li found himself scarred by the collision in unexpected ways. Even months after waking up in a Shunyi hospital, the young man would find his thoughts drifting off at the strangest of times. And his memory was not what it had been in the past, something particularly problematic for someone in the service profession. Learning Chinese? This is a Chinese lesson for Absolute Beginners. This means that even if you don't know any Chinese, we keep things simple enough that this lesson should be accessible to you. If you're a higher-level student, check out our massive archive for tons more difficult lessons covering everything from simple grammar patterns to advanced colloquial Chinese. And let us know if you have any feedback by writing us at service@popupchinese.com.