The Beijing Floods

Popup Chinese show

Summary: Memories of last week's floods in Beijing are dying hard, at least judging by the way the hottest selling items on Taobao continue to be car escape kits, and the way traffic now manages to grind to a halt everywhere around the capital anytime there's even a touch of inclement weather. As a consequence, today on Popup Chinese we're happy to publish a fully-Chinese discussion podcast for advanced listeners. This is really just listening practice, but we have a discussion focused on the topic of last week's flooding in Beijing and there is plenty of new vocabulary for those of you boning up on disaster terminology. And in an interesting twist, we also managed to get Bunny in the studio to talk about this with Echo. In addition to being a now-famous voice-actor, Bunny is also working his way up the ranks as a member of the Chinese security establishment and was out on the streets that day. We hope you like the show.