Episode 086: Reeks of Humanity

Bad Philosophy show

Summary: Bad Philosophy Episode 086 "Reeks of Humanity Recorded 03-10-2011 In case you haven't heart, Charlie Sheen has been #WINNING lately. Or so he claims, at least. For some people, "winning" is banging 7-gram rocks with porn stars in a hotel room. For others, it's resurrecting an ancient brand with crazy new products through the power of pop music. For us on BF, it's getting to talk about all of this while eating copious numbers of jelly babies. Kiki, Simon, and Kevin join me this episode to live the Sheen dream. So strap into your F-18, set your gear to GO, and prepare to get your face melted off... it's BF time! This Week's Post-show Song Pimpage: "Songify This / Winning" by The Gregory Brothers