Episode 092: LulzSec Flamebait

Bad Philosophy show

Summary: Bad Philosophy Episode 092 "LulzSec Flamebait" Recorded 06-11-2011 Since the dawn of computer networks, there have been those who push past the permissions, the boundaries, and the firewalls to penetrate deep within the forbidden corners of cyberspace. Recently, a group of these hackers calling themselves LulzSec has taken it upon themselves to bring some highly public meme-infused humor back into this practice. They've hacked Sony, PBS, the FBI, and most recently Bethesda, releasing internal server information, network maps, and many thousands of usernames, email addresses, and passwords in the name of exposing these companies' poor security. But should we praise or prosecute these pirates of the pr0ntubes? Kevin and I tackle this and other cyber-morality questions in our latest episode. So grab your top hat and set sail for fail, it's BF time! This Week's Post-show Song Pimpage: "Secrets from the Future" by MC Frontalot Questions Answers in This Week's Formsqueeze: Governmental Artificial Intelligences