Episode 107: Killer Hipstinct

Bad Philosophy show

Summary: Bad Philosophy Episode 107 "Killer Hipstinct" Recorded 11-03-2011 Bad Philosophers: Shawn Brackett, Bryan Mitchell, Matt Legler, Stephen Torrence Have you ever found yourself uttering anything like the following phrases? "Oh, I was totally into that band before they sold out" or "Forget polyester, tweed is where it's at" or maybe "Gosh, I wish they'd bring back the phonograph cylinder; vinyl is so mainstream." Well, I have some good news, my hipster friend -- we recorded an episode just for you! On my first visit to Texas Tech University in over a year, I managed to rally some old stalwarts to tackle this topic: Shawn Brackett (of synesthesia fame), Matt Legler (who I swear will get carded at bars until he's 40), and Bryan Mitchell (that guy who wore hats and wasn't Kevin but now doesn't wear hats anymore). Load this MP3 onto your iRiver H10 before your friends do, it's BF time! This Week's Post-show Song Pimpage: "Too Soon" by Hey Ocean! Question Answers in This Week's Formsqueeze: Babies?