[43] Virginia's Conscience Clause & Affirmative Action Discrimination

Hey! Thats My Hummus! show

Summary: Pinocchio's conscience was a cricket. Do you remember that part of the story? Apparently, the Virginia legislature doesn't need crickets because it's got it own little "conscience clause" chirping away on a piece of legislation concerning adoptions that would allow religious organizations to disqualify potential parents they find to be "morally objectionable." Specifically, "same sex couples." *** Abigail Fisher didn't get into the University of Texas. And she feels that her race had something to do with it. Since Fisher is a white woman and not African-American nor Latina, she feels that the University took a look at race as a factor alongside her academic merits. Her lawsuit will be heard at the Supreme Court -- where the issue of Affirmative Action will come up yet again. Are we finally at a time where we no longer need to look at race and ethnicity to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity? *** So, people, are you ready for Hey! That's My Hummus! the week of February 20, 2012? Here's hoping your answer is in the affirmative...