Focus On What You Have – Not What You Don’t Have

Clutter Rescue show

Summary: Ruminations of a BUSY to Balanced Mum As a busy Mum I know how difficult it is to focus on ‘You’. The concept of ‘Me’ Time and having time for family and friends can sometimes be at the bottom of the pile compared to the washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning, cuddles, runny noses, taxi-ing, sports drop offs, couple time and everything else that comes from mothering. So how do we find ‘Me’ Time – when time seems so limited? I was reading an article that Oprah Winfrey writes in The Oprah Magazine called ‘What I Know For Sure’.  I love this article – it is right at the back of the magazine and in it Oprah is usually really honest about her work and life challenges. This month she wrote: “Since 1996 I had accumulated more wealth, more responsibility, more possessions; everything, it seemed, had grown exponentially – except my happiness.  How had I, with all my options and opportunities, become one of those people who never have time to feel delight?  I was stretched in so many directions, I wasn’t feeling much of anything.  Too busy doing.” I could completely relate to these comments.  In 1996 I was teaching, was about to get married and move to another city, and live with my new husband for the first time.  Since that time our wealth, responsibility and possessions have grown – and yes I am happy with my life.  But it was only recently that I “got it”. And I got it through “Sacred Sundays”.  My lovely friend and kinesiologist Sally mentioned it to me (because she’s always onto me about disconnecting from technology!) and now I have Sacred Sunday as a regular thing every Sunday.  I even put it on our Facebook page so that *hopefully* our fans will start to take it up as well. Sacred Sundays for me are when I completely disconnect from technology – I will admit to having withdrawal symptoms for the first two weeks! – and connect with the things I love.  So far this has included: Hanging out with Hubby and Mr 6.  This has included bike riding, visiting relatives, having brunch, gardening, washing the car – whatever takes our fancy really! Decorating our home.  I used to do a lot of creative stuff with my hands (sewing, knitting, crocheting) but we moved house earlier this year and I’ve had fun decorating it on a budget.  So far I’ve created the two things on this page – a lamp shade from a $5 dressmakers dummy and framed blackboard from an old print I bought at the op shop. I just love them!  And seeing them makes me want to create more stuff – just for fun! Catching up on TV shows.  Like most busy Mums I don’t have time  (or am too tired!) to watch TV during the week.  I love anything to do with fashion so that’s what I’m watching mostly! Connect with family and friends.  We have Hubby’s family living in the same city as us so sometimes we visit them.  Sometimes we have friends over for a chat and coffee (or something a little heavier!).  Either way it’s really low key – because that’s what my Sacred Sunday is all about! I’m absolutely loving my Sacred Sunday.  It gives me time away from the constant of social media and *makes* me connect with what I love.  Another amazing flow on effect from all of this is that Hubby and Mr 6 are spending more time together – a huge benefit I didn’t anticipate – and I have a much clearer head when I return to work on Monday. I’d love you to factor in Sacred Sunday – or Sacred Saturday – for yourself.  Whatever it might look like for you. Because as Oprah said in ‘What I Know For Sure’ – “You radiate and generate more goodness for yourself when you’re aware of all you have and not focusing on your have-nots.” Until next time, happy organising!