How to use economic indicators to become a better investor

Tearsheet Podcast: Exploring Financial Services Together show

Summary: This episode of Tradestreaming Radio includes a conversation with Robert Wright, co-author of a new book entitled: The WSJ Guide to the 50 Economic Indicators that Really Matter: From Big Macs to Zombie Banks, the indicators smart investors watch to beat the market.Our conversations spans Wright's decision to publish the textbooks he wrote for his university course in a freemium model, Which indicators investors should be focused on and which make money, Indicators we haven't heard of before, and how technology is enabling new indicators to help investors make better decisions. Check out our blog, for show notes, transcripts and other links.***If you're listening to this on iTunes, please take the time to rank/review us ( ). We appreciate your listening and participation and we'd like others to know of the value people are finding in Tradestreaming Radio.***