SMRPodcast #94: It is like sifting through Raw Sewage

SMRPodcast show

Summary: SHOW TOPICS Opening Thoughts We talk about some of the Football antics that went on last week We also talk about Thanksgiving dinner Rod lets us know if he only ate ham last week What is going on with the Playbook Rod brings up RIM lowering the price of the Playbook again Robb says that they may get the same effect as the HP Touchpad Robb also says that there may be a root for the Playbook Does a root of the BlackBerry Playbook spell trouble for RIM’s Security Rod says with root access security is compromised Robb says that he believes the way email is run on the device there will not be an issue Chris agrees with Rod We talk about tether for iPhone getting pulled out of the App store Chris says that he is rooting for tether and team to get their app back in Rod says they should just sell it to the jail-breaking community Robb says that they can not be surprised that the app got pulled Microsoft sells over 800,000 Xboxes this weekend Robb says Chris almost convinced him to get another Xbox Rod says that he was one of those people that got a new one Chris says he does not understand how people deal with the crowds We also discuss the new rumor of a Nokia 900 device launching next year