SMRPodcast #119: I Love Google

SMRPodcast show

Summary: Episode #119 of the SMRPodcast, I Love Google, has been recorded, posted online, and is ready for download. This week we fight through technical difficulties to deliver America another funny and fun recap of the latest tech news. We find ourselves talking about the state of RIM as they seem to be getting worse, What Google may do with their new Platforms and more. Everyone also weighs in on the idea of a Facebook phone and a pretty cool discussion around Amazon Prime streaming on the Xbox. Show Details Recorded: May 29th, 2012 Published: May 30th, 2012 Duration: 01hr 16min 00sec SUBSCRIBE FOR AUTOMATIC DOWNLOADS Standard RSS Hosts: Rod Simmons @RodSimmons Chris Ashley @bigcashley Robb Dunewood @RobbDunewood SHOW TOPICS Opening Thoughts We start the night with some technical difficulties but decide to power through them Everyone recaps their weekend cookouts We begin discussing RIM and their new round of layoffs Rod reminds us that this is not the first set of layoffs for RIM Robb says that he is still rooting for them to make a comeback Chris says even when they release a phone it is still a long road back Should Facebook create a phone Rod says that if they do the should skin another ecosystem Robb feels that they do have some services to offer people Chris feels that Facebook should not be creating a phone Some quick topics we covered this week Rod says he is not a fan of Facebook buying Opera Browser Robb wants to know who wants a 22 inch Android Tablet Rod clears up the 500 million Windows 8 devices sold statement from last week Xbox 360 Gets Amazon Prime Streaming App Robb wants to know why he should switch to the Xbox for streaming Chris explains why he uses his Xbox Rod says that he may have to use his Xbox for streaming more often Picks of the Week Temple Run iOS and Android Robb Dunewood (RIMarkable) Arusma for iPhone Rod Simmons (SimpleMobileReview) Backbeat Go / The Caddie iPhone WP7 (Headphones/ Golf GPS App)Chris Ashley (SimpleMobileReview)