Honey Help YourSelf show

Summary:   As far as I'm concerned, there's never not a good time to express genuine thanks. And now that it's Thanksgiving—an official day for assuming the position of gratitude—and on account of I'm partial to listmaking, I find that I'm so full of it–gratitude, that is!—I simply can't resist sharing a partial inventory of items I'm happy about right now. Don't let the numbering fool you, this list isn't arranged in any particular order of preference; it's all good. 1. CREATIVITY. I come from a long line of creative types. First in this line, my mama. Though I didn't always want to own it, these days I can plainly say I've inherited my mom's inventive eye for making old things new—from back before 'green,' recycling, and niche boutiques came on the scene. I also have her knack for beating silk purses out of sows ears, for viewing the world through a quirky lens and for being able to find the juiciest of stories behind the obvious. She's an interesting brand of visionary in her own right. 2. TIME. Willie Nelson sings a tune called "Healing Hands of Time" and it's been on my short list for months. It's a song about rebuilding a life from the ashes of heartbreak and the seemingly impossible task of it. Willie reminds us that sometimes time's the only healer of 'gloom, despair and agony on me.' (Anybody remember that tune from Hee Haw back in the day?) By the third time around the refrain we finally begin to believe we can let the song end without worrying he's/I'm going to reach for kitchen knives or heavy artillery. Thanks, Willie! 3. HELP. Little did I know it at the time, but my decision to reach for Soul Coaching: 28 Days to Discovering Your Authentic Self three years ago would lead me to the seamless though protracted creation of this site, which in turn generated lots of inspiration, and I dare say, lots of material for my as yet unpublished book for which I have yet to write the manuscript. You can check out the blog that started it all here. During the course of our 4 weeks together, I found Denise's work was tailor made for me. Her penchant for dream interpretation, healing ritual, feng shui, all-around clutter clearing, intuition and intermittent butt-kicking has given more to my life than I can shake a ceremonial stick at and I love her for it. 4. DEBT. Don't get me wrong on this one. While I dislike writing out monthly checks to So and So Credit Card Company and Acme Student Loan, Inc., I have to pause and give props to the vehicles that enabled me to drive up my debt in the first place: education. See, some people like food while others prefer clothes and travel. Me, I appreciate all three. But what do I truly adore above all else? Education. Roll out a program of study or weekend workshop to titillate my otherworldly curiosity and I am so there—the more obscure the better. What's that you say? Someone's teaching a course in Mazatlan on connecting with the ancient blue dolphins of Atlantis to lead me to my past life council of elemental faeries in the Outer Realms of Inner Narnia?! And extra-curricular cocktail/mani-peddies thrown in as part of the all-inclusive fee? Plus a free T-shirt? Sign. Me. Up! At least, that was my philosophy a long time ago, before I began to clean up my overall act. 5. NUTS. I've addressed this topic in a previous entry, and it bears repeating here on my Thanksgiving list. Not to be mistaken for edible omega-rich treats, or treatable, legitimate illnesses of the mental sort, when I say nuts I'm talking about the occasional, willful abandonment of rationality, overrated logic and the status quo in the service of breaking through to a better you and me. Let's face it: since when did anyone get led gently by the hand into a deeper realization of their highest potential? And when's the last time conducting business as usual and running on auto pilot redirected anyone out of a life-stalling rut? Remember those wise words of Seal: You know,