Calder`s Confessions Show 3

Calder's Confessions show

Summary: This was week 3 of Calder`s Confessions where, again, we heard from a cross section of ordinary people with incredible lives; Tracey, who`s boyfriend is practically being stalked by a married woman, Mark who desperately wants to find his biological father but doesn't have the first clue where to start looking, Claire who`s still with her cheating boyfriend but now worried she may have caught an STI from him, Lee who battled through a divorce with the support his mother and awoke one morning to find her lifeless on the kitchen floor, Sasha who`s ignorant father insists on calling her fat and goading her about her weight despite the fact her BMI is spot on and finally, Dan who emailed us to complain that his wife only makes love to him once a month. Have a listen, real people with real lives!