What are you creating? Why? How?

Spiritual Awakening Empowered Living show

Summary: Tonight is a special 2 hour show. Join me in my cyber living room as we share what's going on and how we can do differently. I hope you'll join me for a cup of coffee in front of the fireplace to discuss what we are creating, why and the how of it. Bring what's on your mind and in your heart to the conversation. We're all family, let's share our joys, put our lights up high so that all may find inspiration and encouragement. The fireplace is lit, the coffee and chocolate ready.. join me.. A Journey Back to Self Heal YOUR Life Today. Insirational Videos by Earth Mother Selfeheal Visit me on my Live Stream Channel. Power of Forgiveness Heal Your Life Power of Forgiveness. Along with many other ebooks she also offers classes, spiritual coaching and energy healing Visit her website today to heal your life. Check out my blog Be inspired today. Get your Shift Groove on Change is only a choice away!. Get your stones crystals Jewelry Here All Created by Donna DeVane .