E082: Pat Melfi & Charlie (The FedEx Man) Helmick - 6-3-11 |

The Josie Show show

Summary: Guest: CEO/Owner of starpointe records and music manager Pat Melfi and Country Artist The Fedex Man. Pat is the former VP for MCA Records he Currently is CEO/Owner of Starpointe Records and Is Among the elite In The Music Association In Nashville. Pat Melfi manages some of the biggest names in Nashville, among other projects he partakes in. Pat Is The Creator of Each One Teach One A Program designed to help education world wide a collaboration with Conscious Music Entertainment and Music can save The world Charlie was born into a family of talented Musicians and vocalists. A home where Guitars are more common that House Plants or Furniture. As soon as he was of age he was entertaining on Stages in small town fairs and festivals. Then he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps where he continued to entertain his fellow Marines at the Enlisted Club and on Stage in town. In early 2000 he decided to take his Talent to the next level and see what Nashville had to offer. He has performed on some of the most famous stages in that town to include the Palace , Tootsies, The Troubadour and Legends Corner. Over the years he has acquired several accolades such as "The Texas Male Vocalist of the Year", "TCMA Entertainer of the Year", "TCMA Golden Elite Male Vocalist of the Year", TCMA Album of the Year", TCMA Video of the Year", TCMA Vocal Duet of the Year" "Eagle Pioneer Award" and "The Alabama Best Buns Award". He has been featured in several news articles and done numerous Radio spots threw the years. In 2009 he was also voted "Mr.February" for a Music Calender. His Stage Talent and "classy Chassis" make seeing his show a must.