E088: Lenore Luca, Dreema 7/15/2011 |

The Josie Show show

Summary: Guests are Teen talk show host Lenore Luca, and Grime Artist Dreema. Lenore is the host of 'Teen Groove On The Move', and internet radio show like The Josie Show, located at teengrooveonthemove.com In his school life he was picked on a lot because of how he looked or the clothes he wore, sometimes even both, which made life stressful. As he got older his granddad (his idol and the only one to ever push him to his dream) gave him a keyboard to play and his music started from there. He would spend hours on end up in his room trying to compose a song but never quite grasped the concept of writing music. He took music as a GCSE at school in year 10 but his results came back as a G. After failing his music GCSE he moved away from music and set his sights on applying for jobs, in which he had no look no matter how hard he tried. At the age of 19 life was getting more and more stressful and Dreema ended up being diagnosed with depression along with low blood pressure. The stress that people brought sometimes got too much and so he turned his head towards music. Just writing down his feelings and making the words fit together he started to use instrumentals he could find off Youtube.