Minicast Episode 2: Harnessing your Fear

The Great Northern Prepper » Podcast show

Summary: Todays show is on how fear can either be harnessed to focus our prepping or how it can hinder us. Fear is something we have all probably experienced in our road to prepping, it is probably the thing that really got us to wake up, and go “Hey something isnt right”  This fear is a good thing, it focused us on the task at hand, to find out more information on where our economy is headed or disasters might befall us.  This doesnt make you crazy or “out there” it makes you aware. However this fear can hinder us in many ways Become so wrapped up in it, we become addicted to finding the latest daily news on the event, hour by hour Become that annoying prepper that badgers his/her friends and families with facebook posts/emails and conversations about “how the world’s going to end” Go out and just buy our preps at times and prices we shouldnt (personal experience, see silver prices late 2011!) Become so enamored with one event or thing that we overlook another Let it interfere with our family/friend relationships, where we end up alienating the people we want to help I dont say this because I am picking on one person or another, but because i have done this to some extent or another, But I had an epiphany about my prepping. Yes Fear can be good, it keeps you sharp and helps you to stay focused This fear shouldnt rule your life, no point in losing your family when you are trying to save it Prep Intelligently, in a rational and calculated manner Recognize the fear (event), mitigate the risk (prep) and accept that some things are out of your control and ENJOY LIFE! What do you think? Anything I should add to this list, or do you disagree?