Episode 7: Portfolios!

Games Industry Mentor show

Summary: You've been asking for this episode, and it's finally here! Our first dive into the topic that keeps you up at night - your portfolio. This week I am joined with <a href="http://isaacoster.com/" target="_blank">Isaac Oster</a>, Environment Artist at BioWare, and Riki Babington, President of <a href="http://www.eat3d.com" target="_blank">Eat 3D</a>, which provides some great tutorials focused on game art &amp; the Unreal Engine. We discuss what to put in your portfolio, as well as what to leave out, common mistakes, presentation advice, and a lot more! This is our longest episode yet, with plenty of awesome info, so don't miss this one! We also mention a free portfolio template that you can download and use! Isaac was cool enough to put together a simple, no frills website that shows off your work well. To find that, just head over to <a href="http://isaacoster.com/" target="_blank">Isaac's portfolio site</a> and you can download the source files there! <a href="http://media.blubrry.com/gamesindustrymentor/gim.acanaday.com/episodes/gamesindustrymentor_007.mp3">Play Episode</a><a></a> If you have been enjoying these episodes and would like to support Games Industry Mentor, swing by the <a href="http://gim.acanaday.com/?page_id=19">donation page!</a> All funds go directly to site hosting and podcast equipment. Thanks! ******************** The opinions shared during Games Industry Mentor are simply the views of individuals who work within the games industry, and in no way represent opinions of the studio or company that may employ those individuals. Games Industry Mentor or the individuals who share their opinions, do not guarantee successful placement within the video games industry through following the advice heard on the program.