Haste w/ d20Monkey, d20Monkey Kickstarter, NaGaDeMon, and the Midgard Campaign Setting!

Haste - The Official Obsidian Portal Podcast show

Summary: | Episode 61 | Announcements Micah and I have firmed up some of our “Sipstarter” ideas and will have more info for you guys in the week(s) to come. Now, onto the topics! Topics  d20Monkey First Edition Kickstarter We sit down and talk about Brian's d20Monkey Kickstarter and what you can expect from it, as well as backer rewards and plans for the future of hard copies of the comic. If you're a fan of Brian's comic or even just our comic caption contests (done by Brian) consider pitching in! NaGa DeMon Are you a game designer, or at least wan't to be one? Naga Demon may be just the thing for you. You see, "Naga Demon" is a quirky abbreviation for "National Game Design Month" which is an exercise for all of us aspiring game creators to help us put our dice where our mouth is. Not to mention the name puts the more popularly known NaNoWriMo to shame because it sounds at least 5x more awesome. Brian and I discuss how these things benefit us personally, and as a community. Midgard Campaign Setting That's right folks, the long awaited Midgard campaign setting for Pathfinder from Kobold Press has finally arrived. Around 300 pages of beautiful artwork and a truly unique world for you to run games in. New classes, races, spells, and entire schools of magic, and a ton more. This book is oozing coolness from every single page and we highly suggest you check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=kRJL0EyCTdg&w=420&h=315 The book is for Pathfinder but is very crunch light and would work for most any fantasy game system you'd like to use. Brian and I discuss some of the awesomeness within its pages and more. Did we mention there is a Beer domain for clerics? As if that isn't reason enough to check this out, there's also a preview up on Kobold Quartery (as well another preview at DriveThruRPG) so you can check out some of the great flavor Midgard has to offer before making your decision. Tip Corner Don't procrastinate! Set aside 15 to 30 minutes to bang out that adventure log after each session before you forget or just keep putting it off until next session rolls around and you're unprepared. Get it up on OP as soon as you can and get it out of the way, you'll thank yourself later and your players will too. Twitter Poll @ForbesTay asks: "Currently started next game with two new players. What are good hooks to get them into it with out over loading them?" Music Credits | Intro: "Prelude" | Outro: "Stande Alone" | by LukHash |