Fish Schtick Episode 76 – Frank Smethurst

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Summary: Subscribe to Fish Schtick on iTunes ( Subscribe to RSS ( Download MP3 version HERE ( ( It’s Friday, July 29, 2011. ( The Fish Schtick is now proudly presented by Fishhound. Fishhound is the world’s largest provider of real-time fishing reports delivered directly to you from licensed guides & boat captains who are fresh off the water. Only Fishhound has coverage on thousands of waters. Their reports help you determine where to go and what to throw.  Interactive maps, GPS coordinates, mobile apps and more... Sign up for free today at Starting today … a Fishhound Fishing Report. That’s later in the show… Guest Intro Frank Smethurst is kind of one of those fly fishing rockstar dudes. Maybe most famous for being the guy sprinting down the beaches of Baja with a fly rod in the movie “Running Down the Man,” Frank has hosted Trout Unlimited’s TV Show, “On the Rise,” guided on epic waters, he pro staffs for cool companies and works today as a rep for Patagonia. Stuff like that creates the fodder for some good stories, so we’re going to mine him for some today. Brian / Moldy Chum News What are the big stories on the Chum? Make Way For The Ducklings ( Celebrity Chum ( Teeg / Recycled Fish News In Daphne, Alabama for a DICK’S Sporting Goods Grand Opening Send in a photo of YOU with the Recycled Fish logo! You could win a rod from Dragon’s Custom Rods. Around the world of fishing in 120 Seconds Good news for Permit in Mexico. With the help of Costa Del Mar sunglasses, Bonefish and Tarpon Trust has been able to expand Project Permit to Mexican waters. Bad news for fish around the docks at Maynard’s resort in Minnetonka, Minnesota. They’re all going to have sore lips, because today Marathon Man Jeff Kolodzinski is aiming to break his own world record of 2,143 fish caught in a 24 hour period. It’s all for a good cause: Fishing4Life, look ‘em up. New York has a new state record brook trout. Dan Germain from Forestport, caught a 5 pound, 8 oz brookie on June 15 in South Lake in Herkimer County, and it’s now been verified and certified. Here’s a crazy new record from Nebraska. Tyler Ciurej of Bellevue, Nebraska set a hook-and-line record with a 4-pound, 3-ounce goldfish in June. He took it on a hot dog in Halleck Park Lake. In Colorado, enter any of the 42 state parks free of charge on August 1. Industry news, Danny Blandford moves from the Professional Anglers Association to the Association of Collegiate Anglers. Congrats on the new gig, Danny. In Pro Bass Fishing, Dave Mercer is under contract for two more years as host of the B.A.S.S. events, and eight remaining anglers fish this weekend in a sudden death tournament for $100,000 in the Toyota Trucks All-Star Week on the Alabama River. This week’s Stewardship Tip: Conserve water. Put a brick in your toilet tank, make sure your sprinklers aren’t hitting your sidewalk, and install a low flow shower head. Water – fish need it, and we’re running out. More fishing hoopla at ( - Stewardship Tips and more at ( Brought to you by (, who now presents Fish Itch… Crazy Deals on fishing tackle, like 50% off, and the proceeds benefit conservation. Save Scratch, Raise Cash – sign up today FOR FREE at FishItch.