Fish Schtick Episode 83 – Teeg and Michael

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Summary: Subscribe to Fish Schtick on iTunes ( Subscribe to RSS ( Download MP3 version HERE ( ( ( It’s Friday, October 14, 2011 – Catch Up Episode Thanks today to BossTin; The Fish Schtick is presented by Fishhound. Fishhound is the world’s largest provider of real-time fishing reports delivered directly to you from licensed guides & boat captains - fresh off the water. With coverage on thousands of waters, you’ll know where to go, when to go and what to throw. Interactive maps, GPS coordinates, mobile apps and more... Sign up for free today at ( ( Fishhound Fishing Report Confluence Outfitters says Battle Creek has been fishing well. There is plenty of water, but not too much. The spring chinook are spawning, so the native rainbows are on the egg grab. And there are good hatches, so the rainbows are looking up. Colorado’s Sprague Lake is fishing great if you ask Kirk’s Fly shop. About a size 16 Flashback Pheasant Tail, trailed with a pink San Juan Worm #16 or an egg pattern is gonna git ‘er done. On top you could use a Size 20 Yaegers Neversink Gnat or a Parachute Adams. Out of Panama City, Florida, The spanish mackerel are in full force. Spoons, small diving lipped lures, Christmas tree rigs & smaller live baits will all work. The fall kings are not far behind. There is still an occasional sailfish around as well. Contact Captain Linda’s Kayak fishing for more – and a great Baja Fish Taco recipe. For a free report on waters near you, ( Guest Intro It’s been a while since we did a regular episode – the last couple have been video specials, so we wanted to show the love for our audio podcast amigos. Plus, all three of us have been on the road and had some crazy adventures. Unfortunately, Brian’s sick today and that’s too bad because he had some epic stuff go down in BC and before that, he was over on Cape Cod. You’ll have to settle for Mike and I but we promise not to disappoint. Brian / Moldy Chum News ( If Brian WAS here, I know what he’d say. He’d say that they had low expectations when they headed to B.C. to meet some steel, but they found fish. Even when the water is high, the fish are there, and they scratched a few out. But on their last day – and epic day – 8 guys caught 40 fish. For Pacific Northwest steelhead, there’s only one way to describe that, and it’s EPIC. Brian said he caught one of the most gorgeous, perfect specimens of hen steelhead that he or his guide had ever seen. Not a scale out of place. Wish he was here to tell you for himself. On The Chum: A Backyard to Nowhere is the top post – this film is going to make a ton of buzz. It’s also profiled in this month’s This Is Fly, and you must – must – must read about it. Check out the trailers on the Chum and you’ll know immediately why we’re scrambling to get these guys on the Schtick. On October 12 – a very interesting post in which skeptic Dr. Gerald Smith, a fish biologist from the University of Michigan, challenges whether Asian Carp really pose a risk to the Great Lakes. And on October 11 – Frankenfish are getting closer to store shelves: thanks, FDA. Plus, Ashton Kutcher may have legitimately caught the fly fishing bug, there’s a Hatch sticker on his Mac – Fitz Cahall’s Season 2 – and the current Slab of the Month voting is on. A crazy Montana brown trout is leading with almost 60% of the vote,