It’s not About the Pom-Poms

mollanderson show

Summary: Fall is finally here, which means we can finally slip on our fall boots and watch football! Every great football team has fabulous cheerleaders cheering for them. Today we welcome author and Cincinnati Bengal cheerleader Laura Vikmanis.   She is the oldest cheerleader in the NFL at the age of 44, not that you would know; she is absolutely gorgeous! Stay tuned to hear her inspiring story and her book, It’s Not About the Pom-Poms. This cheerleader makes the varsity team and is at the top of the pyramid in our book!  Our gossip guru is at it again, Tara Hitchcock is breaking the latest Hollywood news and it has something to do with a certain “Brilliant Mind” and his wife.  Don’t forget about our Hot Pick magazine articles of the week, Women’s Health magazine has written about the Love Joule Bar in Tokyo Japan…no cocktails here, but you can still get a buzz, check it out to see for yourself!  Ladies forget about all your excuses of why you don’t feel like having sex tonight, Shape Magazine has the answer, make sure to check out the article so you can be excuse free.  Muse has our hot pick song of the week “Madness” and Marci Arthur has another tantalizing cocktail and dessert, to sweep us off our feet.  Don’t forget to write into Moll for all your questions  Halloween is next week! Start thinking of a sexy costume and if you can’t keep your hand out of the candy dish, next week I’ll have on the answer to your prayers! Fitness expert to the stars Andrea Orbeck joins us