Roundtable Discussion and Open lines!

The Psychic Viewpoint show

Summary: Tonights show will be an open roundtable discussion on the current affairs of the week including "wienergate" and will conclude with an overview of the symptoms many are experiencing that are associated with the "ascenscion" process we are all going through at this time.   We will be looking at how the world views "sexting" and internet affairs and if in fact they are truly considered cheating by both males and females. Leslie Hale's "Astro-Talk" will be at the bottom of the first hour.  Be sure and check out Leslie's newsletter for some amazing explanations concerning both of the eclipses that are happening this month and the squares, conjunctions etc. that are affecting our planet and of course our own personal lives.  You can view her latest newsletter at" We will be taking calls the last hour of the show and I do hope we will have a lively conversation in the chat room tonight so be sure to sign up and join Blog Talk Radio as a member (a free, simple process) so you can join in on chat and let us know your opinions!