Premonitions and What can we do with Them?

The Psychic Viewpoint show

Summary: Half of Americans say they have premonitions, most commonly in dreams. But waking premonitions are also very common. If we enlarge our definition of premonitions to include intuition and gut feelings, nearly everyone experiences them from time to time. According to known Author Larry Fossey, M.D., author of The Power of Premonitions: How Knowing the Future Can Shape Our Lives, the word "premonition" literally means a "forewarning," which hints at the importance of these experiences. They often warn us of something unpleasant - a health challenge, physical disasters and impending dangers of all sorts. These are haphazardly mixed with all sorts of other premonitions, such as neutral or pleasant things - who is going to call on the phone, who I'll meet at the party, when I'll get a job promotion, when and where I'll meet the love of my life, and so on. On the show tonight we are going to discuss premonitions in our own lives and how they affect us.    The Advisors from will be hosting the show tonight and we hope that you will join in the discussion in chat and call in to ask your questions in the last hour of the show.  Our call in number is available on the show page and it is 1(714)888-7516.