Unexpected Visitor!

The Psychic Viewpoint show

Summary: Unexpected Visitor We are going to discuss tonight what psychics do when they encounter souls from the other side who appear to their family members and who are not welcome.  Many times as psychic mediums we will encounter souls who want to make amends, tell their loved ones they are sorry, and connect once again to explain their behavior on earth.  This can be a particularily sensitive encounter for very often the person does not want to connect with them and have a very difficult time connecting or welcoming them.   The show tonight will be hosted by the Advisor's of www.pmp-advisors.com and Rosalea.  We will have our Astrology friend Leslie Hale joining us at the bottom of the first hour for the "Astro-Talk" segment.  You can view Leslie's newsletter and blog at www.lesliehale-astrology.com. We will open the lines for callers at the last hour of the show so be ready with your questions and call in.