The Psychic Viewpoint show

Summary: The first effect of betrayal is shock. You are advised to "just get over it" and you cannot.  Betrayal can involve lying, cheating, stealing, broken promises, or revealing secrets.  It is the violation of trust. We are going to discuss how to move past betrayal and move forward in your life.  Surviving betrayal is very similar to grieving and we will discuss methods you can use to mend your heart. Tonight's show will be hosted by Rosalea and the Advisor's of  We will be joining Leslie Hale at the bottom of the first hour for her "Astro-Talk" segment. Leslie is an advisor on and can be reached there by appointment.  Her newsletter can be found at We will be taking calls during the last hour of the show.  To connect with the Advisors call 1(714)888-7516 and be sure and press the number 1 if you want a reading.